
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


In my next article I will be talking about what I think will eventually be the result of the change we are experiencing. But today let’s talk about the next-to-last step.

We are experiencing how the western world is getting totally out of control. Politicians have lost all credibility, trying to burn their last ammunitions killing supposed terrorists around the world, increasing their control of the population preparing themselves for the people’s revolution. In February 2011, I wrote an article about the Arab spring, “Tunis, Thank you for showing us the way”, and was predicting that this horror scenario for the power structures would be emulated by more countries. Later came Egypt, Libya, Yemen, 15M in Madrid, demonstrations all around Europe, especially in Greece and now we are seeing the United States finally joining the revolution with the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

The mass media, like in every country, first ignored them, later ridiculed them and finally did not have any other choice than covering the movement. The most common critic all over the world used by mass media was that the movement does not have one voice, one message or clear claims.

I understand the mass media’s complaints. They have been used to repeat simplistic propaganda feed to them by their usual sponsors: multinationals, banks, governments, public entities, and the like, that all of a sudden a complete change in their modus operandi is just too much for the media too handle.

Well, let me give you a little hint, what about Frustration or Anger as a common denominator for the protests?

The continuing meltdown of the global financial system will definitely have its consequences on the global economy, whipping out middle class. Millions of citizens will awake to a new reality. They will find out that they thought they were wealthy, some of them even thought they were rich.

Many people are already in this situation and these are the people protesting, joined by some of the “early discoverers”, folks who are still enjoying security the system offers but know it is a matter of time before they too will make part of the jobless, futureless losers.
Yes, some people call the jobless, losers, because they are not good enough to get a job, or not qualified enough for some company to hire them. A lot of folks still do not understand that the game is rigged, that the system is causing this situation, not necessarily the lack of skills of the unemployed.

At the moment we are experiencing the perfect storm:

(Strong increase of money supply in the financial industry and an even stronger decrease of capital in the real economy)

This has a direct consequence on companies. No matter how good a company or professional is, there is just not enough money to sustain everybody in the system. It is not necessarily the wrong or bad management of companies that will cause them to shut down; the system does not have the money to support them.

So my conclusion is simple: no matter what the politicians try to do and they have done everything they could to speed up the end of the system: “FIAT” is collapsing.

The question that presents itself: Will the actual powerful accept the end of an era and help create a new an more equal world?

Well, I don’t think so. They are not going to abandon their power just like that.

FIAT is not a love story, it’s much stronger than that
FIAT is blind faith.

So, what is the next step?

They will take us to war!!

Yes, it is my strong believe that when they will understand that people will continue to protest and revolt until they bring down the system, they will come up with some kind of scheme to take us to war.

We can already see how countries are getting more and more xenophobic. Just look at the increase of the anti alien rhetoric of politicians or political parties or at more stringent immigration laws voted in the past couple of years.
Some “opportunist” or “wannabe” politicians play the immigration card bluntly, blaming the problems on outsiders, forgetting the hundreds of years the so called “civilized countries” have been exploiting natural resources and lower wage labor of poor countries.

I don’t know yet who is going to be the scapegoat this time. The Jews were the last victims, this time it could very well be the Arabs with a preference for Iran, Southern Europeans, Latin Americans or the Chinese.

They might actually go for religion and our Muslim brothers would seem the easiest target to sell to a bunch of lamming’s in the western world.
This of course would be the easiest type of war but who knows this time they might even go further and simply declare war on the “anti-social” movements, targeting their own people and repressing the protesters that disobey the system. This war is tougher because this would bring guerilla like confrontations and I guess they would prefer to play the patriotic card and I think they would prefer to go for a whole region rather than wars at home.

Well, it is difficult to predict which one they will come up with but they will definitely try.

Be prepared. It is up to us the people to say NO. Don’t let them fool you. Don’t buy into their propaganda. We are all human beings. We all live on this earth and we should embrace change and work on a better system. A war is only going to bring back the Status Quo, with less a few million people but the problem would remain.

FIAT is dying and not only because of the SPECULATION ON STEROIDS but simply because there is a natural limit to artificial growth. FIAT does not take the economic logic into account (management of scarcity) since there is no physical limit to worthless printed money.

Don’t forget, we are all human beings and we have more things that unite us than that separate us. Be aware for fear mongering, false accusation, finger pointing or false flag attacks.

Stand up and join the movement.

James Tector
Critical Citizen
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2011, the year Youth began the new (r)evolution.

After a few months deeper into economic recession after the late 2008 burst, finally in 2011 new civil movements start to show up. These movements can be found all over the world but are stronger in North Africa (Tunis, Egypt) but also Europe showing stronger commitment in Spain which has been one of the countries hit the strongest by the economic recession or should I say depression with more than 20% unemployment rate.

A common denominator for the civil movements could be the age range of the demonstrators together with the form they decided to gather and communicate. Although Internet and especially some applications like Facebook and Twitter have been an enabling force behind the demonstrations, what is more important is the age of the organizers and followers. A vast majority of young people took the streets to voice their frustration to a system that misled and deceived them.

The system, still controlled by the old powers, does not seem to understand the vindications of the protesters and underestimate the strength of the movement. Although the majority of the demonstrators are young people, they will very soon find strong supporters in other adults that are also suffering the consequences of a system built upon deception.

Although many people have not yet been hit by the devastating deflation in the real economy, it is a matter of time before they too will be confronted to what soon will be their new reality. They will find out they are not as wealthy as they thought they were. The beloved capitalistic system thought to be the final of all systems is only profiting to a few, not necessarily the ones supposed to thrive on the system. Not the hard working, competitive, stronger, more intelligent, fittest are the ones profiting but basically the ones that own the capital: big banks, multinationals and big corporations.

Too often do I hear commentators blaming the youth for their situation because they don’t make enough efforts, don’t want to work, study, are simply labeled as lazy. The people who say such things should ask themselves who contributed more to this situation: the new generation or the generations before? The older generations (the ones controlling and managing the system) cannot act as if it is not their problem because their future depends fully on the younger generations. Pensions and medicare can only survive if the young accept to pay a majority of their income to maintain the welfare of older generations.

It is an unsustainable situation. Pressure is/will coming/come from everywhere, demography, energy, overpopulation, scarcity of natural resources and why not a lack of solidarity from the young with the oldest. A situation that the actual capitalistic system has no solution for, although the believers want to convince you about the contrary.

A logic system cannot leave aside variables of nature. We need to take into account the psychology of the human being, the reality of how much nature can give us, changes in population and other variables that nature imposes on us.

  • We need to understand that we cannot take away freedoms and dignity of the human being.
  • We need to understand that the world is round and not expandable.
  • We need to understand that the Earth “economy” means saving, it is a science that administers scarcity.
  • We need to understand that money is a great instrument as long as it is a means to distribute scarcity and not the objective of the economy.
  • We need to understand that money needs to have a physical collateral, otherwise it is fake and unfair.
  • We need to understand that administrators of nations need to run them for the wellbeing of the people and not for the wellbeing of a few. Politicians, do you get the message?

The population also needs to wake up from their sleep and understand that they are submitted to constant propaganda of the powerful. This is no fight between left or right, democrats or republicans, white or black, young or old, indigenous vs. foreigners, this is a fight for the survival of human race. 

Again the world population needs to understand the consequences of the actual system, reshape and rethink their own value system, because it is impossible to continue the pilferage of natural resources.

So, let there be no doubt, this revolution has nothing to do with anarchism or a bunch of hippies. It’s a genuine revolution for a better world, the start of a new system based on a symbiosis of natural laws instead of striving for a fake dream.

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

Sunday, March 27, 2011

With the Earth’s consent

So far, 2011 has been a busy year. We have experienced:

  • The awakening of the Arab world.
  • An earthquake, followed by a Tsunami and finally a nuclear catastrophe in Japan.
  • The beginning of a new war with Libya
  • In Europe the Euro seems unstoppable in its downfall

Any of these happenings could have been the most important event  of the year just some time ago. These happenings however bring fundamental changes to the status quo and modern society has to be keen in analyzing these events and question why they are happening.

Although an Earthquake is a natural disaster and the human influence cannot be proven, these signs have to be interpreted in the right way. We have seen how insignificant the human being is against mother nature. We need to be living in better harmony with the source of our life and stop destroying it for an illusion of wellbeing. 
Can we go on exploiting natural resources in such a way that we do not take into account the damages we are inflicting the Earth? Is the Earth going to be watching us impassibly without fighting back? Can we measure the human being’s wealth without putting nature into the equation?
Is money the right measurement unit? Especially if we know that money is fake and artificially controlled by a few players. Players that are losing the grip on the events and don’t understand why? Even the rich and powerful are children of nature and that although they can think they are preferred children, they are still insignificant if put into perspective with the power of nature.

We will see in the future a steady increase in food prices which will lead to more riots. We will also see more natural disasters, this due to an increase the sun’s activity. This will generate a shift in human values and I hope finally understanding that we have to take nature into our equation when evaluating our wellbeing. I foresee the end of fiat money and the beginning of an era where economy follows natural rules and is not manipulated by a cartel of central banks or powerhouses. The capital holders try to make us think that we can only live within the parameters they give us but they will soon see that even if they control the minds of the population they do not control nature and nature will trigger the changes. And when I talk about nature I am also talking about the natural logic of economy that is based on natural resources, scarcity and sustainability and not on the fake capital system they try to impose on us.

Soon we will be confronted to nature and I hope the population will finally wake up, turn off the propaganda machines and understand that there is no way we can survive as a species if we think we can control and manipulate nature.

The human being can only survive with the Earth’s consent.

Critical citizen

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Thank you for showing the way

Tunis has definitely been this month’s center of attention. Years of oppression, robbery, corruption, power abuse ended abruptly after a few days of popular manifestations caused by the immolation of a desperate citizen, the reaction to the abuse of a system favoring the super rich and especially the family of the (now former) president Ben Ali.

What happened in Tunis, although many observers might see it as an isolated popular revolution, is in my opinion the start of a new era, an era where the people demand justice and finally voice their right to choose their own existence.  Rights made impossible for too long by corrupt leaders assisted by the active interference of a complacent international community.

Where was the “civilized” western society in all this? Well, as usual, trying to keep friends with the dictator that allowed “civilized countries” to exploit the Tunisian people up to the last second. This time however, their strategy failed and popular revolution and the people’s determination were stronger than an imposed corrupt system.

And now after the change in Tunisian leadership we can hear voices calling for the West to support the new formation of a new democracy in Tunis. Let’s hope for the Tunisian people that the west stays far away from this development. The only thing that the so called “civilized world” has been good in, in the past decades, is keeping dictators in place so that they could exploit the country’s natural resources and benefit from cheap labor.

Tunis, don’t look at the West for help but show the West the way

Let’s hope that the neighbor countries will learn and find hope in the Tunisian revolution and rise to the occasion by starting their own revolution. Some uprisings are happening in the neighboring countries and let’s hope that the people there will follow through and regain or finally gain power. This century, or at least the first half of the century will be the one of the fight among classes. The population will fight against the powers that dominate them. This power has been capable of maintaining its position because a majority of people have not yet been able to really identify the source of their increasing decrease of wealth. Too many citizens are still trying to blame the situation on a political party, politician, neighbor, foreigner or whatever seems plausible to justify their worsening situation.

The solution however is not in solving the problem the power is trying to sell us, the solution lies in changing the power and reshape the way we live. Fellow citizens there is no sacred cow in this fight, we need to really assess what brought us here and change it.

Tunis has shown us the way, not only has it opened a window of hope for the North African countries but it has shown that no government can maintain its credibility If its final goal is not the well being of its people.
Thank you Tunisia again and let’s hope that for humanity’s sake, “civilized nations” will follow your example.

For your own good, Tunisia, just another advice: keep the Western countries far away, do not allow the West to deteriorate your natural democratic development no matter how many nice promises or threats they make.

Critical citizen