
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Greece, Cradle of Civilization 2.0


Greece is many aspects an interesting country. Lately it seems to have bought a permanent spot on the daily international news, not necessarily because new archeological treasures were discovered or an Onassis family member married a celebrity. Greece has become the problem child of the European and world developed countries.

What happened to the place considered  by many the cradle of civilization? Where did they go wrong? How can we safe them?

I am sure a lot of people already answered these questions. All too often, however, their analysis happened from a Calvinistic, patronizing and demeaning thinking pattern, blaming the Greeks for their lack of discipline and seriousness.

All the Greeks were put in the same basket: "Lazy, sun loving, tax evading troubadours". Some even said Greece embraced a new political ideology: Diogonesism. 

The rest of the European partners could not tolerate such behavior. Everything had to be put into place to safeguard corporatism and the financial markets. Serfdom of the people was at stake and Greece was the weakest link in a perfectly designed serfdom system.

Power had to act. The "puppets" (Merkel, Sarkozy, EU Commission) were called in and ordered to blackmail, I mean Help, Greece with the same medicine that was killing the patient, more Debt. More debt yes but this time designed in such a way that it would cripple Greece so strong they would never dare challenge orders from their "protectors" again.

So, the helping hand acting together with their local cronies (Papandreu, Venizelos and other politicians) started taking away wealth of the Greek people. Thousands of companies closed, hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs. Infrastructure and natural resources of Greece started to be given away for pennies on the dollar to the "foreign savers".

The humiliation and punishment had to be strong and merciless. No other country should dare to follow the same path and Greece had to be taught a lesson. How dare Greece challenge the sovereignty of the ruling system? No victims were to be accepted, even when the Greek prime minister demonstrated weakness (asking for a referendum) he was immediately dismissed. The message was so clear that even Italy dare not to question the imposition of Monti. Papademos and Monti, bankers, i am sorry again, I meant technocrats knew how to administer a country at least better than democratically elected politicians. Again the actual crisis had nothing to do with the recklessness of the financial system, no, democracy, the will of the people, was the problem.

Greece has definitely contributed to the civilization of society, defining moral, ethics and common sense (logic). It has been, at least documented, one of the first civilization that experimented freedom of people and thinking. Today we still cite many of their philosophers when we talk about justice and even about a fair system. It might be true that Greece has been for many years living of the legacy of these great thinkers. Unfortunately, copyright laws did not exist back then, otherwise we would all be in debt with Greece.

After last weekend's, 6 May 2012 elections however, I think Greece is again at the forefront of civilization. Civilization 2.0.

The Greeek have understood that there is only one way to regain their sovereignty: Bring down the system. Greeks seem to have understood what the Achilles heel of the system is. Ungovernability. Although many commentators "usual suspects" might say that this is a problem for the actual situation of Greece. Actually, this is the only peaceful way to break the system. No powerful government is the best that can happen at this moment because Greeks seem to have understood that their biggest enemy is: government. Governments can enforce the directives of the powerful through their executive mechanisms, EU, IMF, ECB, laws.

A lack of enforcement power will generate a self-working society, where personal freedom will flourish and create the wealth and society that Greeks want and not a society imposed by a destructive blood-life sucking system.

Don't worry, the system will fight back. It will find ways to continue imposing harm on the Greeks but the Greeks have found the weak spot and I think the next protest of the Greeks will not be so peaceful if they feel that their sovereignty is under attack. The next step will be much more violent.

Greece, keep hanging in there. Don't let the politicians fool you. Keep atomizing power and rebuilt your own country without interference and impositions. Thank you for questioning the system, than you for asking "Why". Socrates would be proud of you.

Thank you for illuminating us again and showing us the way. Greece, cradle of civilization 2.0.

James Tector
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

Friday, May 4, 2012

Uncovering the enemy


After a few months into 2012 and almost four and a half years after the financial meltdown of 2008 the economic situation does not seem to show signs of improvement.

Different governments have been replaced since 2008 in almost every election held in Europe. The elections have most of the times been a punishment for the ruling parties and voters chose, almost everywhere, the opposition party, who promised to do things better.

Nevertheless, daily life of citizens is not improving. Rampant unemployment, lowering residual income, increasing fiscal pressure and harassing banks are all contributing to frustration among the population.

Normally the newly chosen ruling parties start blaming their predecessors for all the problems inherited but when they run out of ammunitions, politicians always find new enemies.

Markets, terrorists, anti-patriotic opposition parties, foreigners, unions, public servants, demonstrators, anarchists, occupiers, etc. etc, are all conspiring against them. Not only is it pathetic to have to listen to these lame excuses but the "real problem" is that too many people buy their stories.

How often can we see people defending or attacking the arguments fed to them by unscrupulous politicians? It is understandable that if we vote for a specific party, we feel like defending their policies. Voters are able to defend austerity measures, increase in taxes, loss of freedom and other "so needed" attacks on the individual to justify their choice. Instead of accepting that our vote was meaningless we prefer to focus our anger on outside causes like terrorism, immigration, neighbor, etc.


Stop believing these so called politicians.  They are administrators paid by the "fiat money vigilantes". We the people are like Human Resource managers making the final decision in the process of choosing the new "puppet" presented to us by the powerful. The "puppets" however are paid by the real rulers. We choose them in elections but they are accountable to others.


Who is the real enemy and what can we do to fight it?

It is tough to pinpoint a specific person or organization. The enemy is a "system" that has found a way to perpetrate itself. This very "system" is perceived to be more important than the individual or human life.

How else can we explain that we prefer to have people starving or dying than to question the "system"? We prefer to have wars, austerity, inflate the value of our savings, pushing millions of people into slavery than harm the system.

But what is the system and how is it designed?

Ask yourself a simple question. Do you agree with the statement: MONEY IS POWER

If you do, like most of you will you are getting closer to uncovering the enemy but let's start with the top of the hierarchy.

Imagine that you would have the power to create money out of thin air. Wouldn't this give you unlimited power? Do you know who can do this in our actual world?

The FED, ECB and comercial banks through the fractional banking system.

Even governments do not have this power anymore. If governments want to create money central banks loan them that money with an interest rate. So if money is power and governments get a good part of the new money from independent central banks; doesn't this make the money creators more powerful than governments?

Now, imagine, you would have the power to write laws? How many laws would you write to harm your interests or the ones that rule your wellbeing?

When you give sovereignty away to a central power, it is very probable that with time that central power will drive you into slavery. They will gain more and more power so that they can guarantee a "safer society". A safer society translating into paying taxes and obeying central commands. The more power is centralized, less freedom the individual has. A democracy is especially vulnerable to this situation since it is the imposition of the will of a majority on minorities. We need a constitution that guarantees our civil rights, even and specially against democratically elected governments. No excuse is acceptable to strip the individual from his liberties.

"I rather live a life of unsafe destiny than a safe life in slavery."

Although there is competition in private markets, some companies have gained such a position that their power has run out of control. Some companies exploit and control natural and primary resources, have such amounts of wealth that they can buy anyone they want. These companies are not a real treat if point 1 and 2 are brought down but they are now making part of the system and fight hard to keep it standing.

But let's face it. Although we could actually understand that we have to bring down the centralized rulers of the world by asking for sound money, minimizing the scope of government action and limiting natural resources control of corporations, we still would have to fight the toughest of all enemies:


We the people believing the lies of our politicians, mass media or opinion makers.
We the people living in fear, dare not to speak up and question.
We the people that have accepted the status of consuming machines.
We the people that have lost faith in our capacities and accepted serfdom.




Never in history has humanity have so much access to knowledge, technology and wellbeing. Never in history have the powerful been exposed, on a worldwide basis, like now.

A better world is possible but a better world can only been possible if we start respecting and enforcing the individual. Only by claiming our individual freedom and liberty can the actual system be defeated. We need a new worldwide “constitution” (see revolution) that guarantees individual freedom and civil rights.

Inform yourself. Analyze, understand the consequences of our actual system in your life and fight to change it. If you don't do it for yourselves, do it for your children. Give them a reason to be proud of their parents.

James Tector
Humanity Fraud Detective
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité